Friday, November 7, 2008

Rally against the passing of "Prop 8"

I hope this doesn't offend anyone here. I know it has nothing to do with our etsy team but I think this issue is very important and deserves a mention.

Rally against the passing of Prop 8
which took away the right of Gays to get married in California

Sunday Nov. 9th
1pm - ?
held on the steps of the State Capitol building in Sacramento
"We must stand together and fight this injustice, it is a travesty that must be changed.

This fight has now gone beyond just the issue in California, we must take to the streets and demand equality NOW.

Please join us if you can!"

1 comment:

Jen (Mama's Magic Studio) said...

Thanks for sharing this information. Like so many others, I'm outraged by the passing of this proposition. Yes, it isn't related to sfetsy but it is an important human issue.

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