Manzanar National Historic Site, Ownes Valley.
Being an entrepreneur has taught me a lot. I have learned to trust myself more, not take things personally and manage my time better (still learning something new about it everyday!). The hardest thing for me was to not take things personally. I admit, I am a sensitive person (who can appear tough, as I grew up with brothers), and many times I would feel attacked. Much of my insecurity about being "attacked" came from other places, having nothing to do with my business partner, or the situation at hand. Learning to deal/cope/understand my own issues, and figuring out my triggers, has been a tough road. But it has made me a better business woman, and person. By any means, am I saying I am perfect, but I am beginning to understand myself more. I used to be a "yes" person, but I've learned to limit what I say yes to. I've narrowed it down, and have committed just enough to keep me busy, but not overly committed. I still have those moments for myself (I don't count those days where I am grading!). Here's a couple things that have helped me along my path to personal greatness.
1. Slowing down. Whatever that is for you. I try to do yoga 2-3 times a week, I pray in the shower, and sometimes I just sit with Chubbs and chill.
2. Keeping calm and not take things to seriously. I smile and laugh a lot, so when it comes to times when I feel overwhelmed, or too serious, I take a deep breath, count to 10 and smile. Then I laugh at myself, for all the self-help talk, I talk to myself.
3. My man once said to me, treat small things with great importance. Some of the best advice I've heard. Try it.
4. Remember that sacrifice and hard work are what entrepreneurs are made of. In short, complaining, whining and excuses are not an option. Venting, of course, is.
Bill's Wheels, Santa Cruz, CA
5. Enjoy everyday. Give thanks and praise to be able to do what you enjoy.

(Not currently up on the etsy site, but if you're interested, let me know!)
Till next week, do at least one thing a day that scares you.

If you're an Etsy seller in the San Francisco Bay Area, contact Jen from Mama's Magic Studio about joining SFEtsy!
1 comment:
So insightful! Great advice here -- I especially like #3. An excellent reminder about perspective.
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