Thursday, May 31, 2012

Savvy Entrepreneur: Genevieve Says Goodbye...

The time has come for me to stop writing the Savvy Entrepreneur column. It's been a great ride and I've really enjoyed all the comments and feedback. Hopefully you all enjoyed the advice and insight equally. We're still determining if someone else is going to pick up where I left off or if something new will be added to the lineup. We've got a lot of great writers on the blog team so I have no doubt you'll be plenty pleased with whatever ends up happening.

As for me I'm putting some of the extra energy into a bit of spit and polish for Lightbox SF. We're planning on reworking our services based on the last year or so of client meetings. That means some new packages need to be figured out and the much of the marketing copy retooled. We're also hoping it adds to increased client work.

I've also started a new blog, that and a book proposal in the works have me writing a lot more these days. A girls gotta rest her typing fingers sometime.

I am by no means disappearing though. I'm staying on as part of the leadership team and plan to be as much of a resource for the team as I can.

So with that I say goodbye...

If you're an Etsy seller in the San Francisco Bay Area, contact Katy or Steph about joining SFEtsy!


Katy said...

Thank you SO much Genevieve. I'm glad you'll still be on to help us with some advice that we might have. Your column has inspired me. I know I'm not the only one. :-)

Jen (Mama's Magic Studio) said...

Thank you for everything, Genevieve! I've loved reading your posts and I will miss your advice about Savvy Entrepreneurship! But I'm very glad you'll still be around :-)

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